For more than 20 years the International Women’s Day Organizing Committee in Vancouver has come together to organize a day of action to honor women and continue the struggle for women’s rights. Again, this year, the International Women’s Day Organizing Committee has brought together women from all backgrounds including students, workers and women of the third world, who are united for women’s rights and equality at home and abroad.
This year we have joined together under the theme of: ”Unite Against Attacks on Women’s Rights at Home and Abroad: Not to Poverty! No to War!” Alongside women all around the world who are fighting for dignity and basic human rights, we in Vancouver will host a march and rally followed by a dance on March 3rd 2007 to celebrate women’s rights. The march will begin at 11:30am at the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre (302 Columbia St) and will end at the Vancouver Public Library. The rally will begin at 12:30 at the Vancouver Public Library, followed by an information fair, from 1:15-3:30 in the Peter Mackay room of the Vancouver Public Library. The celebration will run from 7pm- 12midnight at the Trout Lake Community Centre (3350 Victoria Dr.).
In order to be as accessible as possible for all women including mothers, students and working people we have again keep our tradition of hosting our events on the weekend before International Women’s Day. We envision these events as inclusive and participatory events that would focus on women but would be open to all members of the community.
We recognize the Simon Fraser Students Society as a organization that has a proud history of defending women’s rights and thusly we are appealing to you for support in helping to make International Women’s Day a success this year. We would like to ask for your endorsement of the International Women’s Day events on March 3rd. With an endorsement, we hope that you could send an announcement to your members and supporters and encourage them to join us on March 3rd. As well, given that we are a grassroots, self-funded group, we also would like to take this opportunity to request a financial donation (or any in kind donation you are able to provide to help with things such as photocopying). If you are able to assist in this important initiative in any way we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance for all of your work and we look forward to seeing you with us on March 3rd!
Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions you may have and thank you for your time and consideration.
Sincerely, Janine Solanki International Women’s Day Organizing Committee 604-812-2964
* Please see the attached poster for the March 3rd Events (click on image to enlarge).