Students and Humanitarian Activist,
Read, share and forward this information to all. You are invited to a
dance party for Darfur on Friday November 17. Also note that on Dec.
10 there will be global action on the Darfur issue.
What: "Dress like a Celeb for Darfur" Dance 2006
Dress Like: Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Don Cheadle, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Gorge Clooney, and Opera Winfrey [they support work to
SAVE Darfur], or your favorite celeb.
Time: 7pm -12:30am
Place: Highland Pub
Date: Friday November 17th, 2006
Mix: World Mix by Pub DJ, Apaak
Games and Prizes:
-Best Celeb Dress up Look a like
-Male Booty shaking
-Female Booty shaking
-Limbo competition
-Date auction, CSFDarfur founder, Apaak.
Guest of honour: Mariam from Oxfam Vancouver office.
Buy Tix in AQ, Convo mall SFSS general office or call Apaak at 778-895-9242
Bring a friend, a classmate, roommate, or date, to your campus Pub for a
good cause
-Clement Abas Apaak <>