Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin carving!

Hello Biology Grad Students, Faculty and associates,

Hallowe'en is almost upon us, and it's time for the second annual Biology pumpkin carving contest.  The fun begins on Wednesday, October 28th, with the pumpkins arriving that morning and judging commencing at 4pm that afternoon.  Pumpkins are free this year, courtesy of the biology grad caucus, for whoever would like to carve.  Dr. Kennedy is providing prizes for first and second place and giving $5 to the BC SPCA for each carved pumpkin donated.  Judging will be by distinguished members of our department, who have yet to be asked.  All who want a pumpkin just email me with your request, so we know approximately how many pumpkins we need.

Thanks and Happy Hallowe'en!

Jennifer Trowell