Thursday, September 22, 2022

September Meeting Minutes

 The minutes from the September 15th caucus meeting can be found here.

Some highlights include:
  • The one-time TA wage subsidy totaling $13,000 will be divvied up equally to all current biology graduate students.
  • The next caucus meeting will be held on October 13th in B9242 and will be joined by Mike Hart and members of the faculty for a discussion on graduate completion times and thesis lengths. Food and beverages will be provided!
  • The minimum stipend amount has increased this term to $26,000. Criteria regarding MSc/MPM and PhD student eligibility for the subsidization of tuition costs starting this time next year is currently being discussed (see Faculty Mole update for more details).
  • The BISC Grad Caucus welcome party will be held tomorrow from 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm in the SSB 7000-level courtyard area!