Hi grads
Just a reminder about three items:
1. Who do you want to see as our 2012 grad hosted speaker? We are taking nominations for this now. I will close nominations on April 8 (that's Friday!) so we can have the results in time for the April 20 meeting. I've received a few nominations to date, some of which are very outside-the-box. Remember we have a full year to plan this, so aim as high as you'd like.
2. Nominate yourself or someone else for a caucus executive position. I sent out an email a few days ago explaining all the positions. We have had only three people nominate themselves for a position. All the events you know and love (grad hosted speaker, grad symposium, publishing workshops, and more) happen because of the efforts of the caucus executive. In addition, without caucus executives, there will be no one to advocate on behalf of student issues.
Nominations are open until April 12 (That's Tuesday!). These things look great on your CV!
We are currently lacking any nominations for a lot of positions, even critically important ones.
3. We still have $3000 to spend on grad students. I've received some great ideas from people about what to spend it on. We're going to vote on it at the April 20 meeting so send me your ideas on what we should spend $3000 on!
Brett Favaro, caucus chair
Brett Favaro, caucus chair