Wednesday, September 29, 2010

TSSU GM Tomorrow @ 12:30 // FREE LUNCH and Bargaining Update for TA's, TM's, and Sessionals

Greetings Teaching Support Staff Union Members,

Come out to the first General Membership Meeting of the 2010/11 school
year. Bargaining has just begun and it is already a struggle to
convince the University to discuss contract issues, and improve the
educational atmosphere at SFU. An update about the specifics of
bargaining and other grievances will be given over lunch, along with
an overview of the TSSU committees and their activities, and
opportunities for essential feedback from you (the membership).

We'll be opening elections for the Coordinator, Trustee, Chair, and
Secretary positions, as well as electing a new GSS Representative from
the TSSU.

Looking forward to seeing many of you there! Maggie Benson Centre 2294
at 12:30, Thursday the 30th of September.

Nicholas Perrin

Nicholas Perrin
Interim TSSU Organizer