Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Call for Nominations!!

Hello grads,

There are still numerous Caucus positions available.

Please consider nominating yourself or someone else to one of these positions.

Without your help events such as the Welcome Party, BBQ, Movie night, Christmas party, Symposium, and Grad hosted speaker can't happen!!

While planning some of the events can be a bit time consuming, we have tried to organize the caucus in such as way as to spread out the workload as much as possible. With the chair, associate chair, and the three event officers, as well as other grad volunteers, all working together and sharing the workload, organizing the events has been fairly straightforward, efficient, and yes, fun!

Nominations will close on April 22nd.Voting will take place April 30th at the Caucus meeting.

A. Elections will be held for the following positions (Nominees in parentheses):

    1. Chair

    2. Associate Chair

    3. Secretary

    4. Treasurer (Dhani Kalidasan)

    5. Member at Large (Janey Lam)

    6. Webmaster (Alex Chubaty)

    7. Event Committee Officers (3 positions)   

    8. GSS Representative (Thomas Unsoeld)

    9. TSSU Steward

    10. Faculty Mole (Samineh Deheshi)

    11. DSC Representative (1 position, 2-year term)

    12. DGSC Representative (Jenn Sunday, 1-year term) (Erica Jeffery, 2-year term)

    12. International Students Representative

B. Proposed constitutional amendments.

  1. There are two rep positions for the DGSC and DSC.  
  2. Officer and representative positions are for one-year terms except for DGSC and DSC rep positions which can be for two-year terms.
  3. When there is only one nomination for any given position, not just for the GSS council rep, that position must still be ratified by a majority at a caucus meeting.
  4. Amendments to the constitution no longer require ratification by the GSS and become binding upon approval by Caucus.

Thank you,
Isabelle Raymond
BISC Caucus Chair