Tuesday, February 14, 2023

February Meeting Minutes

The meeting minutes for the February 9, 2023 caucus meeting can be found here.


  • The general elections were held for the 2023-2024 BISC grad caucus executive. Check out the minutes to see all the new (and returning) execs!
  • The new BISC Slack server is now live and can be accessed with a temporary join link (so long as you have an SFU email address). Feel free to reach out to our new webmaster Ramis at ramis_rafay@sfu.ca if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.
  • All BISC grads should have received an email from Kathryn regarding a one-time payment of $300(likely to be disbursed on Feb 24) to each eligible student. Please see the minutes if you're uncertain about eligibility.

Thursday, February 02, 2023

January Meeting Minutes

 The meeting minutes from the BISC caucus January 19th meeting can be found here.

Some highlights include:

  • The BISC EDI committee is looking for graduate representatives! If you’re interested in one of these positions, please reach out to Kevin Lam at klamf@sfu.ca or Isabelle Côté at imcote@sfu.ca.
  • Spring General Elections will be held at this month's upcoming meeting!!! Nominations are currently open and all are invited to self-nominate on the sign-up sheet
  • Dig into the minutes if you want to learn more about (i) a prospective department-wide BioRender account, (ii) plans to host a BISC Graduate Symposium, or (iii) the treasurer's super dope account updates.