The minutes from the December 8th BISC grad caucus meeting can be found here.
Highlights include:
The minutes from the December 8th BISC grad caucus meeting can be found here.
Highlights include:
The minutes from the November 10 BISC grad caucus can be found here.
Highlights include:
The minutes from the caucus meeting on October 13 can be found here.
Highlights include:
The minutes from the September 15th caucus meeting can be found here.
The meeting minutes from the BISC grad caucus meeting on August 18, 2022, can be found here.
Highlights include:
The minutes from the caucus meeting on June 16, 2022, can be found here.
Highlights from this meeting include:
The minutes from the May caucus meeting can be found here.
Highlights include:
-Ideas on how to spend an extra $13,000 from the department in the DGSC update
-Nominations for TSSU stewards happening now.
-Take the GSS affordability survey to help the GSS advocate for affordability for students.
-Thoughts on the departmental review. Polls in response to some of the points in the review will be sent to grad students soon.