Thursday, December 12, 2019

December Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the December 2019 BISC Graduate Caucus meeting are available here.

  • TSSU emergency meeting about SFU refusing to pay international member MSP premiums/fees. Dec 12 at 4:30pm in room AQ6229. Sign TSSU open letter to SFU Administration responsible for this decision.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Committee are having a meeting Tuesday, December 17th at 1:30 in the BISC 7000-level lounge. Come join the team!

Monday, December 02, 2019

November Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the November 2019 BISC Graduate Caucus meeting are available here.

  • Research Assistants unionized! On Nov 15, SFU and TSSU agreed to make RAs employees of the University and voluntarily recognize them as TSSU members. Collective bargaining will commence May 1st
  • MSP Changes: The system for charging MSP premiums is changing, resulting in major increases in costs for international students, particularly for international students with families, who could end up paying hundreds of dollars per month. TSSU is organizing to make sure SFU continues to cover the costs for TSSU members, as clearly stated in the Collective Agreement. To stay updated of further info or future actions, please see: