Tuesday, December 04, 2018

November Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the November 2018 BISC Graduate Caucus meeting are available here.

Come to the Social Media workshop on December 10th!

Thursday, November 08, 2018

October Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the October 2018 BISC Graduate Caucus meeting are available here.

We discussed new workshops ideas, future plans to revise the BISC 800 course, upcoming election for a new Biology Department Chair and updates on the spring grad hosted speaker.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

September Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the September 2018 BISC Graduate Caucus meeting are available here.

With the beginning of the fall semester, we had lots to talk about. We brainstormed options for upcoming workshops, discussed the idea of setting up mentor meetings and most importantly, started planning the Halloween party!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

August Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the August 2018 BISC Graduate Caucus meeting are available here.

Coming up soon:
September 5th: Workshop: "Biology  TA Essentials: Leading the Room and Supporting Self-Directed Learning"
September 6th: Welcome BBQ

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

June Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the May 2018 BISC Graduate Caucus meeting are available here.

There will be no July Caucus meeting.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

May Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the May 2018 BISC Graduate Caucus meeting are available here.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

April 2018 Meeting Minutes

Your new 2018/2019 BISC Grad Caucus has been elected! The minutes of the April 2018  meeting are available here:


Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Nominations and Elections for the 2018/2019 Biology Graduate Caucus

It's time for the 2018/2019 Biology Graduate Caucus Elections. Nominate yourself for a position on the steering committee or as an officer or representative. NEW OFFICER POSITIONS THIS YEAR: Workshop Steering and Organizing Committee - officers will be in charge of organizing student lead short workshops to teach their peers practical skills to help them finish their research and thesis. These positions will get a small stipend for your efforts (amount TBD). Elections will be on April 30th at 4.30pm in the Grad Lounge on the 7000 level.

Monday, February 05, 2018